Honorary Doctorate (Honoris Causa)

An honorary degree is an important symbol in the life of the University. An honorary degree focuses on the meritorious accomplishments and activity of a Person in broader areas of benefit and Contribution to the society Which the Person has done by his Excellence, Inspiration and Leadership Skills By Which University Nominates Them as an Honor in their Respective Field

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Euro Asian University follows specific criteria by Its Honorary Degrees Committee For Selection of the Right Candidates. TheEuro Asian Selection Committee’s goal is to Select recipients across a range of Academic and Non-academic areas of Achievement. This Honorary degree recipients chosen are awarded a Honorary Causa in the Convocation Conducted by the University. The Honorary Degrees Committee is appointed annually by Senate and consists of the Provost / Rector / Registrar etc as determined from time to time by Senate


STEP 1: Euro Asian University Conducts nomination process & broadcast widely by Public Notice in the Official Website and Its Partners suggested by Nomination Committee Members. Nominations may also be submitted Via Email in the Official University Website

STEP 2: After Nominations initial screening of the nomination is evaluated by the Committee as per the Standard Guidelines Procedure. Successful Nominee Names will be Sended Offer Letter For Further Process

STEP 3: The Honorary Degrees Committee will select From the active list of nominations prospective degree recipients which conforms fully to the selection principles and criteria as required in the annual convocation Events Conducted By the University.

STEP 4: Successful Nominators will be invited in the Convocation Ceremony to participate. Selection of these invitees is done by the President, Director of Convocation, Provost and Secretary of Senate.


• Nomination Form (Duly Filles)

• Additional Documents with supporting submission Which contains Introductory statement setting forth the principal grounds for the distinction

• Brief Chronological & Narrative of the nominee’s life and work

• Outline of the Nominee’s Academic / Non Academic Achievements

• Evidence & Proof Submission of the Nominee Member