Post PhD

Euro Asian University is conducting Post-Doctoral research Programs Which is an academic research carried by Doctoral Scholars (students) who have completed their PHD Programs From any Accredited Universities. Postdoctoral / Post PHD fellows can retrieve some of the suitable resources in their areas / expertise of interest and will

Following are some the available Post-Doctoral Degree Programs :

• Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) - Science, Engineering, Technology
• Doctor of Literature (D.Litt.) - Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Design, Creative Arts

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Eligibility for D.Sc.

A candidate who is awarded Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in the disciplines of Science, Engineering, Technology and other related areas From an recognized University or equivalent can apply for the degree of Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) provided he/she must have Done his post-doctoral work in Science, Engineering, Technology and other related areas for a minimum period of 2 years and must have a done distinct contribution to the society and advancement of knowledge.


Eligibility for D.Litt.

A candidate who is awarded Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in the disciplines of Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Design, Creative Arts and other related areas From an recognized University or equivalent can apply Doctor of Literature (D.Litt.) provided that he/she must have done his post-doctoral work in Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Design, Creative Arts and other related areas for a minimum period of 2 years and must have a done distinct contribution to the society and advancement of knowledge.